What is a 2D Echocardiogram?
2D Echocardiogram, also known as a cardiac echo or a 2d ultrasound of the heart is a non invasive diagnostic tool performed in our Beverly Hills office to evaluate the health of the heart. The heart plays a major role in our wellness and overall health. Many conditions can be diagnosed by performing a heart echo that otherwise would not be detectable. An ultrasound uses sound waves to detect images and measure distances.
What is an Echocardiogram used for?
An echocardiogram helps detect and rule out signs of cardiac failure, decrease in ejection fraction, valvular abnormalities, heart strain and more. During an ultrasound of the heart measurements of the different chambers of the heart as well as closure and opening of the valves is recorded. Doppler 2D echo will measure blood flow through the valves and can assess regurgitation of blood, valular stenosis, regurgitation and prolapse. Echocardiography performed alongside an EKG and cardiac stress test can diagnose ischemia to the heart, as well as diagnose pulmonary or lung dysfunction as well as arrhythmias and more.