What is the MMR vaccine?
The MMR vaccine is used to combat Measles, Mumps and Rubella and is normally administered to children at the age of one and again before the age of 5. The vaccine was developed after it was recorded in the early 1960’s that hundreds of thousands fell victim to these viruses. Since the vaccine became available to the public in the early 1970’s, well over 50 million cases of the viruses have been avoided due to the first and second round of vaccinations received in the United States.
As is the case with many developing counties, some areas are more prone to contracting MMR despite the rare cases that exist in the US and other developed countries. It is important for your health and the health of others to vaccinate yourself and your family from measles, mumps and rubella before partaking in any international travel. Our licensed physicians at MyConciergeMD have all of the information necessary to help you protect yourself at our Los Angeles clinic.
What the vaccine protects against?
The MMR vaccine effectively protects patients against:
Mumps – The mumps is an infectious disease that is caused by the mumps virus. Often times it is spread through airborne pathogens and direct contact with others that are infected. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, muscle soreness, swollen glands, and headaches. In some cases, it may lead to swelling of the brain and loss of hearing.
Measles – The measles is an infection caused by the measles virus. The virus can be spread by airborne pathogens, and can be contagious even with basic preventative measures. The disease takes the form of rash over the entire body, fever, sneezing, swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea fatigue. The measles may lead to severe cases of pneumonia, seizure, and encephalitis. Encephalitis is a known to contribute to permanent brain damage and intellectual disability.
Rubella – Rubella is often referred to as the “German measles” and presents itself as a viral infection. Rubella has been eliminated from the United States, but still poses a concern in other countries. Symptoms, similarly to mumps/measles, may include fever, coughing, swollen lymph nodes, eye redness, and muscle pain. Rubella may lead to arthritis in women.