Full Body Physical Examination

At our Beverly Hills medical office, we perform a full physical examination where your body organs are inspected and checked by a physician. Our full body check up is performed annually to update you about your health and detect any early signs of disease. This annual physical exam covers the following:

  • Heart – checking heart rate, blood pressure, pulse, and heart sounds
  • Muscles, bones, and joints – inspecting joints for swelling or tenderness, using diagnostic tests to identify any rheumatological conditions
  • Nerves – examining the head and neck region plus other body parts to identify any abnormalities in the nervous system, using diagnostic imaging like EEG or EMG, if necessary
  • Lungs – checking respiration rate, listening to air flow, and, if necessary, performing a spirometry test to diagnose respiratory disorders
  • Abdomen –palpating abdominal organs including liver, spleen, and others as well as listening to bowel sounds
  • Kidneys and urinary system – checking kidneys and bladder for pain, infections, or stones
  • Reproductive system – examining genitals for any abnormalities, requesting special diagnostic tests for testicular or uterine disease
  • Vision testing– checking visual acuity
  • Nutrition and fitness – testing body composition and consulting with a certified nutritionist

Is a full body check up necessary?

Once a year, you should visit our facility to be examined by the best doctors in Beverly Hills. This medical exam is important to detect if you’re at risk for any serious diseases. Even if you’re not ill or showing any symptoms, a full medical check up can be used as a preventive method to keep you healthy. Early signs of disease detected during annual physical exams can be life-saving. Catching those signs before the disease progresses ensures a more effective, preventive treatment. Your physician will also share medical advice and health tips so you can improve or maintain your healthy lifestyle.

What to expect

Before physical examination begins, your physician will ask you some questions about your medical history. Those include any diseases running in your family, chronic conditions, recent complaints, and drug use. Based on your medical history, your full physical exam will be performed to confirm preexisting conditions and track their progression as well as identify any signs of new disorders.

During your full physical examination at our medical office, your physician will inspect and touch your body to examine it for any signs of disease. He will use tools such as a stethoscope to listen to your heart and lungs as well as your bowels sounds. You will be expected to move certain body parts so your physician can observe if there are signs of disease in your muscles, bones, or joints.

In addition to a thorough physical check up of all these organ systems, our medical center also performs the following tests as part of your full medical check up:

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  • Virtual or In Person Office Visit with MD & Nutritionist 
  • Lab Orders To Evaluate Health & Optimize Deficiencies 
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Health screenings

Health screenings are used to determine if you’re at risk for any serious conditions. Screening for disease means identifying risk factors or early signs before onset of disease. This way your physician will be able to help you prevent the disease early on. The following health screenings are included in our annual physicals:

How to prepare

To be fully prepared for your full physical examination, make sure you are ready to provide information about your medical and surgical history as well as your family history of major diseases like hypertension, diabetes, or thyroid disorders. You should also be aware of your prescriptions because your physician will ask about your medications and supplements. To make it easier, you can bring any drugs you’re taking with you when you come in for the annual physical exam. If you’ve had similar exams performed elsewhere, it would be helpful to bring any scans or lab tests from other clinics with you.

For blood testing, you should fast for 12 hours prior to your office visit. Drinking a lot of water is recommended.

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