Indications for Kidney and Bladder Ultrasound:
Renal Doppler Ultrasound
Doppler ultrasound of the kidney is key tool to evaluate blood flow within the kidney. This organ consists of one renal artery, renal vein and tiny arteries and veins that supply nutrients to the kidney. The kidneys main blood supply comes via the abdominal aorta. Renal doppler ultrasound can diagnose renal artery stenosis and other conditions associated with hypertension and other renal abnormalities.
Patients with a history of uncontrolled hypertension, renal artery stenosis, renal insufficiency or who are on dialysis should have a doppler ultrasound of the kidneys to evaluate kidney function and to avoid chronic kidney disease or renal failure.
Renal Artery Ultrasound Preparation
Renal ultrasound testing requires that the patient has a full bladder in order to better visualize the bladder wall thickness, ureteral jets filling the bladder, and to help rule out any unspecified mass that can be seen. However, to better visualize the arteries, patients will be asked to come in fasting s prior to testing to obtain accurate velocities within the vessels being examined.
Benefit of Renal and Bladder Ultrasound
Is the safest way to diagnose pathology within the renal and bladder systems. Ultrasound provides us with accurate measurements, contour and overall appearance of the organ in real time. Through this type of examination we can determine the overall function of the urinary system without the exposure to contrast agents or radiation.