We understand that it is a challenging time for employers who face the growing concerns of their employees on leave or working from home. But it is equally difficult but important to maintain a healthy work environment for your staff before your employees return to their offices. That is why we are here to help you do that. Based in Beverly Hills, My Concierge MD offers employee COVID testing to Los Angeles companies that are looking to make this transition back to office work.

COVID testing services

My Concierge MD can send experienced nursing staff to your office buildings or company to provide COVID testing services to your employees. They will arrive at your premises with full protective gear to proceed with the testing procedures. If you have a parking facility available to use, we can setup a drive through testing site fully equipped with tents, testing stations and cones to make the process run in a professional and efficient manner. We can also setup walk up stations in your facility for testing. We can also see your employees at our drive thru test sites in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles by scheduling them here! If you need to have a large group of employees tested, please send an email to company@myconciergemd.com with the heading of Employee Testing.

Employee & Company COVID-19 Group Discount

We offer company and employee group discounts for testing. Please email us with details of your company, location, and number of employees who require testing.

Our nurses perform two types of COVID tests:

Nasopharyngeal PCR test & Mouth Swab PCR test

The nasopharyngeal, or nasal swab, PCR test and mouth swab test involve procuring a sample of the mucus in the nose or mouth to test for the presence of coronavirus viral RNA. The sample is then sent to a professional lab for analysis. Our lab is able to provide same day results most of the time, in some cases results may not be released up to 24 hours for PCR tests vs other facilities which are providing results in 3-5 days. If your employee tests positive for Coronavirus, he or she will need to stay home or be referred to a medical facility for proper medical care.

Rapid antigen test

The rapid antigen test is a quick nasal swab to rule out active infection for COVID-19. Results are available in 15 minutes. We are utilizing rapid antigen tests that have an EUA from the FDA and have a sensitivity of 90 to 95%.

Rapid antibody test

The rapid COVID-19 antibody test is a quick procedure which only requires a small drop of blood as a sample. The test kit analyzes the blood sample for the presence of antibodies against the Coronavirus. A major advantage of this test is that it yields results in only 15 minutes. If your employee tests positive for Coronavirus antibodies, it can mean that he or she has been previously exposed to the virus and has successfully developed immunity to COVID, therefore he or she is now may now be safe to return to the workplace.

Benefits of employee COVID testing

By testing the employees of your company for coronavirus, you will be able to:

  • Determine if there are any infected individuals and attempt to control the spread of infection in your company.
  • Quickly start managing the situation to keep your employees as healthy and safe as possible.
  • Reassure any returning employees that they are absolutely safe and can work comfortably at the office.
  • Maintain a safe work setting for all your staff and reduce panic.

Our testing services will establish if any of your staff members have been exposed to the coronavirus and if they have developed antibody immunity to the virus. For employees who have been exposed to the virus and now have antibodies, they are safe to return to the workplace without infecting others or risking their own health in the process.

It is of utmost importance to protect your employees and their well-being. In doing so, you will take care of your business as well as the people running it. To learn more about our COVID testing services for companies, contact us on 877-760-3558 or email us at info@myconciergemd.com.

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COVID-19 Testing Disclaimer & Guidelines

We follow the CDC and FDA recommendations for testing and guidelines. We believe mass testing will be the solution to reopening the workforce and allowing people back into the workplace till vaccines are developed and herd immunity is formed. These guidelines and disclaimers which may be related to PCR testing and antibody testing are changing on a daily bases. At the time of this page creation, some antibody testing kits may not be approved by the FDA and have limitations in regards to the data that is provided to you and your employees as well as established immunity status and what it means to have immunity and how long immunity status lasts. At this time, only certain individuals may be eligible to have PCR testing who meet criteria set by the CDC. We will be proceeding with the services offered based on the guidelines provided to us by the FDA and CDC. Our team will discuss these with you upon your inquiry. We hope that we can help our community and play a role in creating a safe work environment.

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