Wondering if food allergy or sensitivities are causing unwanted effects in your body?
A blood test for food allergies and food sensitivities is offered at our Beverly Hills office. Please view a sample ALCAT report here: Alcat Sample.
It is believed that exposure to common foods, chemicals, molds, additives, coloring may trigger activation of the immune system and cause chronic inflammation in our bodies. For over 20 years, the ALCAT (Antigen Leukocyte Cellular Antibody Test) has been providing food sensitivity testing which has been used by many physicians as a tool to manage a wide variety of conditions linked to the chronic activation of the immune system.
There is a difference between food allergy and food sensitivity. If a person is allergic to a certain group of foods (such as for example peanuts) an IgE specific immune response is triggered that can cause swelling of the lips and the closure of the throat (also known as anaphylactic shock).
Food intolerance and sensitivities do not involve a specific immune system response but the innate immune system. Food intolerances and sensitivities are believed to cause a chronic inflammatory process which is believed to manifest itself with a variety of symptoms.