Wart Removal Treatment
Do you have a wart or unsure if you have one? The sight of one may be embarrassing or irritating. Maybe you just want it looked at and go over options of getting rid of it. My Concierge MD is the Greater Los Angeles premier destination for wart treatment and wart removal. Warts may temporary get in your way, but they don’t have to stay long! We have helped numerous patients with the removal of their warts, and we can help you too!
What are Warts?
Warts are growths discovered on the skin and are caused by exposure to viruses in the human papillomavirus (HPV) family. They are caused by human papillomavirus entering into the body through a small break in the skin. Once it enters and gets under the skin, it can infect the skin cells underneath and causes a wart to develop. It is also possible for the human papillomaviruses to live on healthy skin without it ever causing a wart.
Interestingly, there are over 100 unique types of HPVs. The most prevalent type of warts are the ones noticed on the skin and are not known to be cancerous, but sexually transmitted warts called genital warts can possibly be connected with cancer. This is why it is a good idea to consult with your doctor about any concerns with warts on your body.
In many cases, warts will gradually disappear on their own, but it may take several months or even years. This is why people may seek treatment from a doctor for the removal of warts. Without treatment, there is the chance of spreading warts on your own body or spreading them to other people.
Many warts are contagious and can be easily spread by direct contact with the human papillomavirus. Even if you have a wart, you can actually re-infect yourself by touching the wart and then touching another part of your body. And even so, you can infect other people just by sharing personal items including towels and razors. If you have come in contact with someone who has a wart or have had exposure to a human papillomavirus, it can possibly take several months before noticing a wart on your skin because when you get one, they grow slowly beneath the skin and take a while before you can actually see them.
It is important to know that each and every person is different and their bodies will react differently to certain HPVs. There are people who may be exposed to a human papillomavirus and not even develop a wart, while others exposed to a HPV may develop a wart.
A question occasionally asked is if it is possible for common warts found on the hands or fingers to spread to the genitals causing genital warts? Quite honestly, it depends because there are many different types of HPV. The types that cause common warts are usually different from those that cause plantar warts or genital warts. If the wart on ones hand is caused by a type of HPV (human papillomavirus) that can also cause genital warts, then there is a possibility that contact with the infected skin can possibly cause genital warts. But more often than not, the typical kind of wart you observe on the hands or feet will not cause genital warts.