With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic still actively affecting millions of lives all around the world after months of its rise, a vaccine is the ultimate solution. Scientists and researchers have been working on a vaccine for the virus but the process of producing a reliable, side effect-free vaccine is not an easy one. The FDA has approved an EUA for the COVID-19 vaccine for Pfizer and Moderna Theraputics. Once the vaccines are finalized and approved as safe, My Concierge MD has been approved by the health department to administer the vaccine, providing all its Los Angeles clients with the ultimate form of protection. We are closely following guidelines set by the CDC and the health department in the roll out of the vaccine in its phases and the population of patients who should be receiving the vaccine in its early phase when vaccinations are limited.
Which vaccine do we offer for COVID-19?
We are currently in talks with Pfizer and Moderna Theraputics and have applied to be a listed provider with the health department in order to obtain their vaccines once they are released. We are looking closely at the risk profiles and efficacy of each of these vaccines.
How does the COVID-19 vaccine work?
A vaccine is made by taking bacteria or viruses and creating a weaker version of them. When this weaker version enters your body, it triggers your immune system to start fighting without actually making you sick.
The COVID-19 vaccine is made from the mRNA gene of the virus to trigger the immune system to create antibodies and an immune response to protect a reinfection from the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the COVID-19 disease.
There are various types of vaccines:
Live attenuated vaccine (LAV) – contains a weakened microbe
Inactivated vaccine – contains a killed microbe
Subunit vaccine – contains a part of the microbe
Toxoid vaccine – contains toxins produced by microbe
All the vaccine types mentioned above work in a similar way by triggering your immune system to produce antibodies that protect your body against future infection.
Vaccines are effective because they protect you from getting infected, but they also protect others as well. Once enough people are vaccinated, an infection is no longer widespread enough to affect the community that even those who are did not receive the vaccine are also protected. This is called herd immunity and it is a major advantage of vaccines.
How is a vaccine made?
The process of making a vaccine usually takes years as it passes through multiple trial phases to make sure it is effective and does not cause adverse reactions. However, since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, the process of vaccine development as been accelerated to produce a vaccine as soon as possible.
When will a vaccine for Coronavirus be ready?
The COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are currently in the process of being distributed but will be distributed via phases. However there are other ongoing trials at various phases of vaccine development from other manufacturers. This vaccine tracker keeps record of the latest updates about the COVID vaccine and as of today, there are 100 vaccines currently being tested, 11 of which are already in phase 3. Based on these statistics, it is expected that a reliable vaccine for Coronavirus will be available for public use by early 2021.
Most of the phase 3 vaccines are sub-unit vaccines, containing only part of the Coronavirus mRNA or Glycoprotein. Once injected, this COVID-19 particle activated the immune response inside the human body to produce antibodies that can protect you from future Coronavirus infection.
What are the differences between the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines ?
The first vaccine to receive an EUA from the FDA on 12/10/2020 was for the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine which uses the mRNA technology and requires ultra cold temperature of minus 80 degrees Celsius for storing and transport. It is currently authorized for age groups of 16 years or older and requires two separate dosages spaced 21 days apart.
The Moderna vaccine received an EUA from the FDA on 12/18/2020 and it uses the same mRNA technology but does not require as low of a temperature storing or handling and can be stored at temperatures of minus 20 Celsius. It is currenly authorized for ages 18 and over and requires 2 doses spaced 28 days apart.
AstraZeneca and Oxford University are currently working on their own vaccine and performing clinical trials.
How does mRNA vaccine differ?
Unlike traditional vaccines which rely on parts of a virus, the vaccines created by Pfizer and Moderna Theraputics carry a code or a message which trains your cells to produce viral proteins. These proteins are not infectious and do not make one sick. Once these proteins are produced, our bodies is able to produce an immune response against the COVID-19 virus. The concept of using mRNA to produce useful and needed proteins have been around from a long time and are not new.
Can one get infected with COVID-19 virus after receiving an mRNA vaccine?
No! There is no way for one to get COVID-19 from being vaccinated by an mRNA vaccine.
Are there side effects associated with the COVID-19 vaccine?
Yes! With any medication or vaccine, there may be side effects that may arise and one must discuss the risks and benefits of such a vaccine with their healthcare provider.
Can a mRNA vaccine change my genetic code material?
No! A mRNA vaccine does not enter the nucleus or the command center of the cell and thus cannot change your DNA.
Was the COVID-19 vaccine developed too quickly?
Given the extend of the pandemic, there has been a lot of financial and regulatory support in order to create a vaccine in such a short time frame. Researchers have documented and studied and continue to study the risk profile of these vaccines and their efficacy.
How effective are the COVID-19 vaccines that had obtained approval?
The vaccines have an efficacy of around 95%, which is remarkable for a vaccine that was developed in such a short time frame. The flu vaccine in comparison is only about 60% effective at times and can be as low as 30% effective in some years.
Does one need to get 2 doses of the vaccine to be effective?
Yes! The efficacy or effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine was only around 50% after 1 dose but increased to 95% after 2 doses. The second dose of the vaccine is a booster and reminds your cells of their mission and role.
What are the side effects of the vaccine that one may experience?
These are still ongoing but looking at the data from the Pfizer study participants and Moderna Theraputics participants, the most common side effects included fatigue, soreness at injection site, muscle aches, fever, headache, and chills.
My Concierge MD Vaccine Services
My Concierge MD will start administered the vaccine as soon as possible and available. You and your family members will be able to book appointments for vaccine administration through one of our drive thru test sites as well as in our office or your home.
Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Specialist in Concierge Medicine & Executive Health. Dr. Nazarian practices Integrative Medicine with focus on preventative medicine, anti-aging, hormone replacement therapy and IV Vitamin optimizations. Dr. David Nazarian, received his bachelor of sciences from the University of Los Angeles, California in Psychology and Biology. He obtained his Medical Doctorate degree from Sackler School of Medicine. He completed his medical residency at Huntington Memorial Hospital, a University of Southern California affiliate hospital. Once completed, he established a practice in the heart of Beverly Hills. Dr. Nazarian is a Diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine. He has received numerous awards and recognition as a top doctor in his field.