Types of exams and how they are performed
Pure Tone Audiometry
This type of testing measures a person’s hearing through a machine called audiometer. Each ear is tested one at a time to detect the difference in the ears. Headphone’s are placed on the patient, through them the patient hears a variety of tones at different frequencies one after the other. The patient will be asked to let the physician know each time he hears a tone. The tones will start loud and get lower, then slowly get loud again.
Whispered Speech Test
During this test, the physician will cover one of your ears while testing the other. He will stand a certain distance away from you and repeat a series of words in a whisper. During the time of the words being repeated, you must repeat them after him. If you stumble on a word and you cannot hear it the physician will repeat the word with a louder tone until it is heard.
Tympanometry and Middle Ear Analyzer
This test is an audiometric evaluation of hearing loss. It tests middle ear function and condition. This analyzes the air pressure in the external canal to the ear drum. A probe is put into the ear which measures the sound that is echoed from the ear drum.
Results and Benefits
Being screened for hearing has significant benefits which may prevent future hearing complications. If a problem already exists then a person would get treatment or help to enhance his hearing.
There should be no risks when getting screened for hearing.
Maintaining a healthy life style is important to most people and having clear vision and hearing is a huge part of that. We live in a time where vision and hearing testing can be done in minutes with the most accurate results to make sure that people are aligned with the best health.