Is Carotid Artery Pulses Stronger on The Left Side?

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Is Carotid Artery Pulse Stronger on Left Sides?

Are you feeling a strong pulse on one side and a weak pulse on the other side of your neck and worried about it? Maybe you wonder why you have a weak pulse on one side of your neck. It is a matter of concern, as it may be happening because of an illness; who knows?

But don’t worry, it is not a symptom of any disease, and it is normal—the carotid artery pulse stronger on the left side.

The work of the carotid artery pulse is to take blood that is oxygenated from the heart to the brain. When the heart pushes oxygenated blood towards the extremities, we feel the varying volumes of blood in a rhythmic beat.

Now, let’s discover why the carotid artery pulses stronger on the left side.

What is Carotid Artery?

Aoarta’s first leading branch is the right carotid artery and the second top branch of the aorta is the left carotid artery. The first leading branch of the aorta prevails over the neck of the subclavian artery and the second branch of the aorta arises directly from the aorta.

The objective of the right and left carotid artery is to transport the oxygenated blood from the heart to the brain. These two arteries are so crucial for the transportation of blood that even a superficial clot or blockage may cause serious complexities.

And at the neck, each carotid artery is divided into two branches called internal and external carotid arteries. It is the internal carotid artery that supplies blood to the brain. And the external carotid artery is divided into seven more branches which are the supplier of blood to the face, neck, and different parts of the head.

For better understanding, you should know the internal structure of the carotid artery. All arteries, even the major carotid arteries, have three layers.

  1. Intima: It is the innermost layer of the arteries. It helps in the easy flow of blood.
  2. Media: It is the middle layer of the arteries. It helps to control the diameter.
  3. Adventitia: It is the outer layer of the arteries protecting the artery.

carotid artery pulse stronger on left sides

Carotid Artery Pulse: All You Need to Know

The arterial pulse reflects the interaction between impedance to blood flow and a driving force.

The idiosyncratic compression of the left ventricle, the shape, the size. All of these determine the driving force. The effective resistance of blood flow is normally related to arterial compliance and peripheral resistance.

The arterial pulse wave begins by removing the aortic valve and the left ventricle’s blood ejection. When the blood is thrust into the aorta quicker than it streams to the periphery, the pressure of the pulse increases sharply.

The stroke volume of the left ventricle escapes quite speedily. A significant portion of this speedily escaped volume cling onto the proximal aorta and other primary arteries that are exceedingly extensible.

The proportion of the stroke volume and the height of the pulse pressure are almost balanced with each other. When the distending pressure in the artery increases, the extensibility of the artery decreases. That is how the carotid artery pulse works.

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Carotid Artery Pulsation in Neck

The pulsation we can feel at the neck is nothing but a carotid artery, it goes through the surface of our neck, and one can feel it clearly through touch. This carotid artery pulsation actually delivers the arterial blood pressure signal and each heartbeats’ volume.

When the heart pushes oxygenated blood towards the extremities, we feel the varying volumes of blood in a rhythmic beat. And that is carotid artery pulsation in the neck.

Carotid Artery Pulses Stronger on Left Side

But you can feel your carotid artery on the left, right? Don’t worry; it is not a disorder or something. It happens because of variations in the positioning of the artery.

The second leading branch of the aorta, the left carotid artery, directly comes off the aorta.

But the first major branch of the aorta, the right carotid artery, comes off the subclavian artery. So the left carotid artery is very direct, and the right carotid artery is much more indirect. That is why we can feel the left carotid stronger than the right carotid artery pulse.

Is It Normal to Have Weaker Pulse on One Side of Neck?

Understandably, you care about “why is my pulse weaker on one side of my neck.”

But your pulse on the right side is not weak; because of the positional issues of the right carotid artery. It is indirect, and its beating seems quite faint. So, it is normal to feel a weaker pulse on one side of the neck. But it is important to have your yearly physical examination and check up to ensure you are in optimal health.

What are The Symptoms of Carotid Artery Disease?

You may ask if a weaker pulse is not a symptom of any disease; you may ask what the symptoms are. How to know that they are healthy?

When there is a clog or blockage in your carotid artery which interrupts the spontaneous blood supply in your head or brain, it increases the risk of stroke. The symptoms of strokes are:

  • You will feel sudden weakness or numbness; it can be only on the side of the body, or just maybe in the face or the particular limbs.
  •  You will face sudden trouble understanding and speaking.
  • You will feel dizzy and will lose your balance.
  • Without any known reason, you will have a severe headache.

These things will start to happen often. Only one or two of these symptoms don’t prove that you have a problem with your carotid artery. But if you feel dizzy or numb and all of the symptoms simultaneously so often, you should see a doctor and have a comprehensive physical examination.

Tips to Keep Your Carotid Artery Healthy

We have known about the disease and symptoms of carotid arteries. Now, Let’s see how to care for your carotid arteries.

  • Avoid Smoking: Do not smoke, and avoid someone while smoking. It is harmful.
  • Less Salt: Salt hampers a big deal of your health. Try to lessen it down.
  • Limit Cholesterol: Cholesterol causes blockage in your arteries.
  • Wight: Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise more: To keep yourself and your arteries healthy, exercise more. It increases the good cholesterol and decreases the bad one.
  • Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol has so many side effects on your body; it is also bad for the arteries.


What if I feel a stronger pulse on the right side of my neck?

A stronger pulse on the right side of your neck might indicate hypertension. Do not worry; just lead a healthy life and tension-free life.

Is it normal to have a visible pulse in your neck?

Yes, it is very typical, especially when you are thin.

Should you be able to feel a pulse on both sides of your neck?

There are pulses on both sides of your neck, even if you feel them or not. You might feel the left one is stronger than the right side, which is normal.

Take Away

We learned why the carotid artery pulses stronger on the left side. It is not a disorder or symptom of a disease. You feel the left carotid pulse strongly because the left carotid pulse straight comes off the aorta. We hope this article helped you, and now you have a clear idea of how the carotid artery works and when to see a doctor.

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